52 Rolls, Week 5

2016_wk05_07Last week I had second thoughts about my 52 Rolls project. I needed to travel to Georgia to be with my wife for her Father’s funeral and the idea of making photos during the trip seemed inappropriate and just a little trivial. I was going to be at Becki’s side, to honor her Father, not to document an event. This was the first time in the brief history of this project that I thought about putting it aside and it was easy to reason that it probably would not be the last.

Well, habit got the better of me. I have been carrying at least one camera with me for years and I decide to go ahead and pack the MP, one lens and a few rolls of film, that wouldn’t take up much room at all. This was also the first trip in some time where I did not pack a digital M.

One of the best features of these rangefinders is their size. The weather in Georgia was cold and wet so I brought a heavy coat. It was easy to jam the MP and 50mm Summicron in my pocket if I need both hands free.

The following are a few of the images that I made in south Georgia at my Mother-in-law’s house and in DeLand, FL, where my Father-in-law grew up and was buried.

I arrived home and processed the film and then made 5×7 prints of the bench, the boat and one of the lake. I framed them and will be sending them to Becki’s Mom. She was beside me when I made the photos and she couldn’t understand my fascination with the everyday objects that have been in her yard for so long. I hope that the pictures give her a different view of her beautiful property.

To make these images I used my Leica MP, 50mm Summicron, Tri-x @ 400 and then developed the film in HC-110 1+49.

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