52 Rolls, Week 21

My buddy Bruce and I took a day trip to Martha’s Vineyard while we were visiting Boston recently. We booked a ride on a bus tour through the hotel concierge, which is something I normally wouldn’t do. I tend to shy away from touristy sorts of things. It turned out to be a good thing for a number of reasons, not having to rent a car and drive topped the list for me. Bruce will book tours in any new city that he visits and has no problem getting to know new people. I’m trying to take a cue from him and get outside of my comfort zone. Booking tours is a good start. It’s an easy way of getting to know a place and meet people when you haven’t been there before.

We met the bus in front of the hotel at 6 am, before we had the chance to have coffee. The driver assured us that we would stop along the way. About halfway to Wood’s Hole, where we were to meet the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard, the driver pulled off and stopped at a McDonald’s for a coffee break. I passed, hoping that there would be something better on the ferry. I might sound a bit picky, but I’m not so addicted to coffee that I’ll settle for just any swill. Fortunately, the Black Dog Cafe is a five minute walk from the ferry landing and they had great coffee and an excellent breakfast. Just what I needed before we set off to explore the island.

These are some images that I made while on the ferry and once we landed. I shot 6 rolls during our day on the island. I think I’ll divide them up over the next few weeks. It may be a bit of a cheat on my 52 Rolls project since I’m not shooting a new roll every week, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll still be shooting film every week and that’s really my goal.

I used my Leica MP, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X @ 400 and developed in D-76 1+1.

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