52 Rolls, Week 25

Southern California is suffering through a heat wave this week. Past records are falling, not just by a little bit, they are getting shattered. Highs during the day are 20 to 30 degrees hotter than average… Nice… Once again, I’m happy to live within sight of the ocean. We are still getting a bit of morning cloud cover and the temperatures are topping out in the 80’s. Not too bad.

Well, Becki is out of town, visiting her folks in Georgia and I was bored so I decided on a little road trip to Pasadena where a car show and chalk art festival was happening. Right into the belly of the beast. By noon it was over 100 degrees. Did I mention that I hate this kind of heat?

Anyway, here are a few images from the car show. I had loaded up my Leica MP with some of the last Kodak Plus-X that I have. Since it was so bright and clear, the slow film would be an advantage. I used an orange filter to gain another stop or two. I developed the film in HC-110 at a 1+49 dilution. The negatives turned out great and were a pleasure to scan.

2016_0620_01 2016_0620_17 2016_0620_10 2016_0620_03 2016_0620_04 L2303148 L2303150 L2303154 2016_0620_05