Date Night in Gastown

It’s Friday night and I am meeting Becki in Gastown for food and an adult beverage or two. She will be nearby, screening some effects at a local visual effect house. When she is finished we are going to have what I think is the best burger in Vancouver, bar none. I know that seems like a bold claim, Vancouver does not have a shortage of fine restaurants, but the burger at Pour House stands above them all. The bun is made in house and is excellent. They grind their meat fresh and gleefully thumb their nose at the law or rule or whatever the hell it is in Canada that compels all restaurants to cook their burgers well passed the point of medium. Plus, pork belly. Add a fried egg on top and and you have reached the pinnacle. Their Kennebec fries are not some crummy afterthought either. The bar also makes one of the best Buffalo Trace Old Fashioned’s that I’ve ever had. The topper, if you need any more to convince you, is the LOW, but listenable level that they play their classic jazz.

Enough gushing about Pour House. Just go.

I had time to walk around a bit before Becki showed up. I had my XPan and 45mm lens with me, loaded with a roll of Portra. I pushed the film two stops. I need to replace my C-41 chemicals, they seem to be exhausted. Oh, well. A couple of these shots turned out well.