Date Night with the XPan

On our last date night, before Becki set off for a month in Invermere, we walked around Yaletown, window shopping and enjoying the holiday lights and decorations. Almost everytime I leave the house I have a camera with me and over the years my favorite has become a Leica M with a 35mm lens attached. It’s small, unobtrusive and easy to carry. It is, for me, the ultimate travel camera.

I purchased another 35mm film rangefinder before I came to Vancouver. A Hasselblad XPan along with 45mm and 90mm lenses. In the short time I’ve owned the camera I had not used it much at night. On this night I decided to carry the XPan with the 45mm lens, loaded with some Kodak Tri-X 400 to be exposed at EI 1600.

I had pretty good luck with it despite the fact that the lens isĀ rather slow (f/4). I made a mistake and kept the Hasselblad ND filter on the lens, losing an additional stop. The film was processed at home using HC-110 at a 1+49 dilution. The results are nice, I’ve always preferred pushing Tri-X instead of shooting at box speed.

Here are a few images from that roll.