The 4th

This summer has been unusually quiet in the South Bay. The Fourth of July was no exception.

I might be imagining it, but the tourists just don’t seem as thick as they usually are. Not a complaint. We have certainly been enjoying the uncrowded bike paths, the quiet, the relative ease of finding a parking space when we go shopping. It almost feels the way I remember it being many years ago when we first moved to the beach. And I’m not the only one to comment on this.

In past years the Fourth was quite the celebration around here. Large signs posted by the city police warning of the penalties for drinking and being too rowdy in public. The very visual presence of those same officers on the day, both on horseback and on bicycles, patrolling and making every effort to keep the swarms of people from getting out of hand. People standing shoulder to shoulder at the water line to cool off from the summer sun.

Not this year.

As we walked up and down the beach we saw a few parties on the strand, but the sand was uncrowded and there was not a police officer to be seen.

I don’t know what changed. Maybe our beach is not the “it” place anymore?

I can only hope.


These photos were taken with my Rolleiflex 3.5f on Provia 100 slide film.