
A good friend of mine is a monster guitar player. He plays at many of the local clubs around Los Angeles and backs singers that come to the area to perform. Back in 2013, I purchased 10 rolls of Delta 3200 in 120 to use at one of his performances. I planned on using my Rolleiflex, not the normal concert camera and photo medium, but it sure was fun. I shot 6 of the 10 and put the others away in my film fridge. Somehow, one of the rolls ended up in the glove box of my Jeep. I don’t remember why I put it there or even how long it was in the truck.

Becki was not feeling well over the weekend, so I loaded my Rolleiflex with the film and went for a walk down to King Harbor pier. It was windy and cool, the clouds were blowing in and the light alternated between overcast to full sun.

Here are some of the images from that roll. I shot it at EI 1000 and developed in equally expired (2014) T-Max developer.


