Merry Christmas, LA Style

Only a few more days until Christmas and, like every year, Los Angeles could not feel less like the postcard images of a snowy holiday that are getting all of the little heart thingies on Instagram.

Southern California has been on fire recently. Literally. On fire. The Santa Ana winds have spread numerous wildfires throughout the area. The smell of smoke and the orange haze give a nice homey end-of-the-world sort of vibe.

This hasn’t stopped the frenzy of shoppers though. Out in droves to buy their Christmas gifts. The malls, shopping centers, cafes, and restaurants are all jammed.

I took a break the other day to drive downtown to walk around the Pershing Square area and take a few pictures. A few blocks away, on Broadway, is Grand Central Market. There’s no better place to people watch while having a snack and a cup of coffee.

These are some photos I took that day. I even included two images of the amazing Christmas decorations around downtown LA!

The photos were taken with my Leica MP and Canon 50mm f1.4  ltm lens. I used Tri-X shot at box speed and developed in HC-110.







