L.A. Drive-By, Part Two

I’ve lived in the Los Angeles area for almost my entire life. I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley in a middle-class suburb in the hills called Hacienda Heights. By the time I entered High School, I had explored many areas around Southern California with older friends. Even then, most of my time was spent at the beach surfing and swimming. When I turned 16 I bought a beater 1959 Volkswagen bug and fully entered the LA car culture.

None of that is particularly interesting in itself. The only reason that I mention it is because, with the hundreds of thousands of miles that I’ve clocked in and around Los Angeles, there are still new things to discover. Turns I’ve never taken. Streets and neighborhoods that I’ve never seen. Diners and stores, galleries, coffee shops and restaurants that are new to me.

So, even though this is only the second L.A. Drive-By post, I feel the need to change it up. Going forward, my Fuji ZoomDate will be fed a steady diet of Kodak Tri-X and I will make future posts that concentrate more on an area or a place, not just a roll of film.

We’ll see how that goes.

























The above photos are shot with my Fuji ZoomDate loaded with Tri-X and developed in HC110 (1+49).








