My Pictures of Home Vol. 2

I started working on the second volume of My Pictures of Home the same day that I received the proof copy of volume one and finished it soon after. Volume three is well underway. I did have a sort of head start on these zines since I have started and stopped the project a number of times. The difference this time is that it has been nothing but a pleasure.

My previous attempts at this project had failed to produce anything and I think I’ve figured out the reason for that. I was trying to give the zine a seriousness that just didn’t fit how I feel while I’m taking the pictures. So, the outcome was disappointing. This time, I made the conscious decision to undertake the project without expectations regarding the outcome. The images are what I see as I’m walking around town, with no deeper narrative and the informality of a zine is perfectly suited for the project.

Something interesting has happened, though. I’ve started to take other aspects of my photography more seriously. I have submitted images to publications again. I have outlined more in-depth projects, scouting locations and making plans for shooting. I have started experimenting with papers and printing methods. My simple zine has borne other more challenging ideas and projects. And it’s all fun again.

My Pictures of Home will remain mostly as is. It will evolve as I become more adept at designing the zines, but the mood and purpose will be the same. These are pictures, snapshots really, of the areas around my home. I hope to continue the series indefinitely as a personal record and another way to physically print my stuff.

Below are a few images from volume 2 of My Pictures of Home.























Below is the direct link if you are interested in picking up a copy.

My Pictures of Home Vol. 2, is an 8.5×11 inch Premium Magazine with 48 pages containing 37 images.
















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