Weekend Platinum/Palladium Printing

This weekend I was able to put in some time making prints. I printed a dozen or so black and white images from film scans on my printer. More food for my big box o’ prints. I also made these five platinum/palladium prints.

The idea of spending more time on a computer after scanning negatives, dust spotting, adjusting levels, tweaking curves, dodging and burning, all to make a digital negative probably sounds like hell to darkroom printers, but it is my version of printing therapy. For now at least.




























The subject matter may be a bit mundane, but the quality of these five prints is the best I’ve achieved so far and I’m pretty happy with all of them.

It’s time to order more Pt/Pd supplies and Hahnemühle Platinum Rag paper!


  1. All brilliant, but the first three are my favorites. Especially, the web and the ferns. Love them.

    1. Thanks, Dev. I haven’t been very motivated to take photos lately, but seeing these prints gives me a bit of motivation to get out and take pictures again.

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