Tri-X, Rodinal, Grain

Last year, while in Vancouver, I was developing a load of film. When I got to a roll of 120 that I’d shot with my Pentax 67, I read my notes about where i...

Not Perfect

I get in moods. Moods where, when I look back on some of my photos, all I think of is how blah they make me feel. I can recollect the time and place where I too...

Weekend in New York

Since leaving Vancouver a few weeks ago, Bella and I have settled back into normal life. I can sleep in my own bed and Bella has her backyard to play and lounge...

Date Night with the XPan

On our last date night, before Becki set off for a month in Invermere, we walked around Yaletown, window shopping and enjoying the holiday lights and decoration...