52 Rolls, Week 18

Some more Pictures of Home. Not much else to say. I used my Rolleiflex 3.5f, Tri-X @ 400 and developed in Rodinal 1+50.

52 Rolls, Week 17

Today was a medium format sort of day. Some friends came down to the beach for an afternoon walk and some grilling in the backyard. I loaded the Rolleiflex with...

52 Rolls, Week 16

Here are a few photos of ordinary things around my home and a rare self portrait in a mirror on the sidewalk. I used my Leica MP, Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens with a 3...

Inside now Out

I just finished my sixth week of a 52 Rolls project and I’m finally getting into a groove. I carry at least one camera everywhere, shooting when I can, no...